Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rev. William Barber calls NC State Amendment One -- 'Trojan Horse'!

Today, North Carolina voters have to make a decision about same sex marriage (SSM). But Rev. William Barber, president of North Carolina NAACP, argues
that the question of SSM is the wrong question to ask. "This is a religious question", he believes. Considering The Constitution of the United States established separation of Church and State, Rev. Barber reminds his followers that the same [political] tricks of the old south are once again at play. He charges that right wing, Tea Party-type, ultra conservative forces "want us to join them". 

"Not on our watch!" 
-Rev. William Barber, Pres. NC - NAACP

"Who would dare attempt to divide and deny others their constitutional rights, whether we agree or not, with same sex marriage?" 

Rev. Barber says "these same forces, the same money, ultra conservative, Tea Party [type] forces" are the same ones that have fought against voting, labor and civil rights, equal justice under the law, and have sponsored radical legislation such as [the] stand-your-ground law (a law that's sure to be challenged in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting).

Monday, May 7, 2012

Radio Show Host - Bryan Fischer 'disses' Romney as 'Punkish' republican candidate

Bryan Fischer: "If Mitt Romney can be pushed around, intimidated, coerced, co-opted by a conservative radio talk show host in middle America, then how is he going to stand up to the Chinese?"

OMG, he did say that!
Conservative right wing radio talk show host - Bryan Fischer, who a week ago, forced Mitt Romney to heave-ho [his] campaign's former foreign policy spokesman - Richard Grenell for being gay, disses Romney as 'punkish' because he was to easily pressured, by a yokel, into giving Grenell the boot.

Watch commentary by Lawrence O'Donnell, of The Last Word, and msnbc analysts  

'Middle America Yokel' PUNKS 'Man in the Middle'