Today, North Carolina voters have to make a decision about same sex marriage (SSM). But Rev. William Barber, president of North Carolina NAACP, argues that the question of SSM is the wrong question to ask. "This is a religious question", he believes. Considering The Constitution of the United States established separation of Church and State, Rev. Barber reminds his followers that the same [political] tricks of the old south are once again at play. He charges that right wing, Tea Party-type, ultra conservative forces "want us to join them".
"Not on our watch!"
-Rev. William Barber, Pres. NC - NAACP
"Who would dare attempt to divide and deny others their constitutional rights, whether we agree or not, with same sex marriage?"
Rev. Barber says "these same forces, the same money, ultra conservative, Tea Party [type] forces" are the same ones that have fought against voting, labor and civil rights, equal justice under the law, and have sponsored radical legislation such as [the] stand-your-ground law (a law that's sure to be challenged in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting).
Bryan Fischer: "If Mitt Romney can be pushed around, intimidated, coerced, co-opted by a conservative radio talk show host in middle America, then how is he going to stand up to the Chinese?"
OMG, he did say that! Conservative right wing radio talk show host - Bryan Fischer, who a week ago, forced Mitt Romney to heave-ho [his] campaign's former foreign policy spokesman - Richard Grenell for being gay, disses Romney as 'punkish' because he was to easily pressured, by a yokel, into giving Grenell the boot.
"The Global
Commission on Drug Policy reported that between 1998 and 2008, global
use of opiates increased 34.5 percent, cocaine 27 percent, and cannabis
8.5 percent."
Specific to American voters, one might consider a more focused question about America's drug policy; Will President Obama legalize or decriminalize it [medical marijuana]? The short answer is -- not likely. Although he's perceived to possess plenty of swag, at least compared to Mitt Romney, Pres. Obama's certainly not inclined to legalize it. But decriminalization of 'Mary Jane' for medical purposes may be something worth having a national conversation about, including the right of individual states' to opt-out, of course.
Let's be clear; this issue isn't partisan.
Voters (democrat, republican, and independent) have strong beliefs, pro and con, about the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes - regardless of political affiliation(s). While the political argument(s), however, continue between believers and non-believers, the so-called "War on Drugs" seems to be increasingly less popular with most Americans, who view the policy as a war on citizens (especially minorities).
Is "War on Drugs" a successful national policy, or tragic unequal enforcement of laws, and wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars?
For medical or social reasons, Americans both conservative and liberal, consume more pot than ever before. Truth be told, these "law breakers" include [the] rich, poor, conservatives, liberals, religious folk, atheists, neighbors, friends, relatives,...and yes, even politicians, enforcement officers, judges and grandmas.
In 2010, the United States spent over $15 billion dollars on War on Drugs[source: ONDCP]
In 2009, about 858,408 persons were arrested for cannabis violations. Approximately 89 percent were charged with possession only[source: FBI]
Like it or not, the use of cannabis has not declined in the U.S., but in fact has skyrocketed since the 'War on Drugs' policy was instituted.
This is perhaps good news for those who have a vested [financial] interest in the prison industrial complex, but it is by contrast sobering news for taxpayers whose hard earned dollars are being used to warehouse so-called "criminals" for possessing pot intended for personal consumption, rather than sales distribution.
So here's the real question: Is this issue a matter of morals, money or politics?
As far as morals are concerned, who can argue beliefs and faith? History has shown, regardless of facts, there will always be those who oppose -- based largely on spiritual/religious conviction(s).
For the need or love of money, and in the spirit of 'capitalism', especially during tough economic times, many states, counties and cities are benefiting from the large sums of tax revenue(s) generated by [a] regulated cannabis economy.
In Oakland, California, for example, 1.4 million dollars was collected from dispensaries in 2011.
Politically speaking, most politicians these days, tend to blow whichever way the wind (code word for dollar) blows.
But as one great generation of Americans is replaced by another -- 'Generation-X', the decriminalization of marijuana just may become more appealing to the electorate, in spite of good or poor economic conditions.
If congress fails to act, by July 1st, student interest rates could double to 6.8%! Unlike Mitt Romney, who agrees with the president on the issue, Obama connected with students' concerns about the financial aspects of educational funding by describing he and wife, First Lady - Michele Obama's huge educational debt incurred after completing law school. "Michele and I, we've been in your shoes. When we married we got poor together", said the president. He also revealed that it wasn't until eight years ago that their SL payments were finally paid off. The president also told students that he and Michele's mortgage payment for their condo was less than [the] payments for student loans.
Highlighting his success about leading the charge to remove the middle man (banks) from receiving billions of dollars in subsidies from student loans, students applauded when he reminded them that [now] "money goes directly to students", making it (college tuition) more affordable.
By the time Obama finished his speech and headed toward the exit, students began applauding and chanting, "four more years!"
According to [the] polls, Obama still holds a solid lead over Romney with young voters. Why? Because young Americans overall don't feel that Romney can relate to their issues, especially considering he clearly seems to represent the interest of the 1% -- a class that would rather see their pockets inflated more than a majority of minds cultivated. During Romney's time as governor, college fees rocketed to 63%!
With numbers like that, Pres. Obama can continue to push the line on behalf of students across America...and rather creatively.
Even if you don't watch Fox News (not sure why it's called "news"), you can safely assume that any liberal political pundit(s) that appear on any of their shows, was hired to take punches from the right so they [Fox] can continue claiming their shows' are "fair and balanced".
Hey you can't knock a pundits hustle, even when it means looking rather soft, right?
So without bothering to watch Sean Hannity's live show, which would be very understandable considering its far right and overt [political] inclinations, the average voter expects very little push-back from any contributors that represent liberal or democratic causes.
But wait one minute!
To the contrary, tough liberal - Bob Beckel has a difference of opinion about so-called liberals getting punk'd on Fox. During a live show, 'Big Bad Beckel' lets Tea Party activist - Jennifer Stefano have it during a debate which continued off-air.
When the cameras came back on (live), Beckel continued making his point to Stefano and drops the 'F-Bomb' to drive home his point. Obviously upset and emotional about his argument, Beckel didn't realize his comments were broadcast LIVE!
When Hannity asked Beckel if he would apologize for his use of profanity on the air, Beckel, at first, refused then did so with sincerity once he realized Sean Hannity was not joking and that his off-air comments were, in fact, captured live on television.
Who can blame Bob Beckel for expressing his true feelings in an environment that's so amazingly toxic.
At first Romney was all too excited to beg and finally secure an endorsement from NRA whack-job, Ted Nugent. Both men never served in the military, by the way, yet both seem so 'gun-ho' about the use of fire arms. And what's the deal with all the fear and hate coming from, generally speaking, angry white guys?
So far, all the fears they've expressed through PAC's, political representatives or radio talk show hosts, have yet to materialize.
Looking at this hateful [Romney] endorsement speech, by Ted Nugent, before an audience of what appears to be white angry males, looks a bit odd without any women present. After all, it's a political function, right? But considering all the anti-women legislation and anti-immigration bills that have been reported since republicans took over the majority in the House of Representatives, women probably weren't welcomed.
Nugent's comments have earned attention of secret service!
It seems like these men fear just about everything (women, immigrants, positive progress, helping others, so-called minorities, students, workers/laborers)...everything except one another.
And all the tough talkers who don't have an ounce of courage to at least put their dukes up, should raise more than a few eyebrows among the angry mob of NRA attendants and supporters; there's always an instigator and an opportunist armed with colorful language that suckers sucka's into doing dumber-than-dumb deeds.
With friends like Ted Nugent, coupled with endorsements from the likes of Donald Trump and other characters, this "Romney for President" thing has to be an intentional joke to ensure President Obama's re-election...seriously! In a general election, a public audience of rational thinking common sense voters, how will Willard attempt to square the difference between Mitt Romney and ttiM yenmoR?
Now that Nugent has shown his true redness (verbally that is), Romney's only response to his inflammatory hateful comments were as plastic as he can only and always make them -- phony bologna.
History has shown that those who lack imagination and great ideas for the common good, who refuse compromise and rig the game at whatever cost, are those who live with the most fear...not of others, but of themselves.
And to think these men probably consider themselves bible-toting Christians and followers of Jesus Christ. Um, didn't Jesus preach love, not hate? Any Mormons care to comment?
"Both Nugent and Romney are doing a great job pimpin' these poor fellas. Get paid, 'mayne', get paid!"
With sobering current conditions as they are and have been for several years (high unemployment, wars, political scams, corporate greed, etc.) it's not surprising that individuals and groups are coming together to discuss and take action with regard to justice, fairness and equality for all, especially for those who make up the majority of voters - 99%.
The public's perception of 'the powers that be' have fallen to low levels of mistrust in government and corporate hustler's - especially, resulting in grass root campaigns designed to rid government's of corruption and human exploitation. One such community group is the Freedom Informant Network.
The old ways of the past are dying a slow and spiteful death. A new world must be one based freedom's promise for all natural born human beings: equality, fairness, justice, mutual respect, and integrity.
"The 'people' are less concerned with traditional politics as usual, and have been for a long time - frankly."
The old ways of favoritism, intimidation, corruption, crony capitalism, human exploitation, genocide, misinforming, and back room deals have only proven to empower an 'associated' few, while the many which the 'few' feed upon live the freedom's of their desires. Nothing less than good can endure in a just universe.
Nobody is or wants to 'player-hate' on rich folk, but when they get to play the game by rules which benefit them at the expense of the majority of society, that's an immoral 'hustle & flow' that's bad for business...and in the long term, even for the 1%.
Before president Barack Obama visited Colombia to seal the U.S./Colombia trade deal, secret service agents,
a group considered among the world's top professionals with regard to conduct and ability to protect and guard life, were sent back home to the United States for conduct unbecoming; allegedly, one of them failed to pay a prostitute for services rendered. Instead of keeping their discipline and ensuring the safety of an American president, especially while abroad, 12 secret service agents chose to get 'jiggy' with it, causing a national scandal - an embarrassing moment for the United States.
What's the deal with the appearance of lack of discipline with regard to security for President Obama? Something seems odd about the few incidents that have placed an American president at risk. Although the president waits for the conclusion of an investigation of the incident in Colombia, armed dogs chasing cats while abroad, Obama said he'll be pissed if he learns the allegations are confirmed.
This is politics, after all, and it may be possible that not all secret service agents have protecting [this] particular American president as a top priority. It would be no surprise to many supporters of the president if there is a lack of will to secure the president's safety as vigorously, and with as much commitment and dedication, as has been given to past presidents'.
It's hard to believe the agencies claim that "the president's safety was not compromised", when the alleged acts clearly place their credibility and President Obama's life and U.S. diplomatic potency at risk.
In today's ever shrinking global village, thanks mostly to the power and technology of the internet, for instance, voters and seekers of "truth" realize that understanding (including what some may not wish to acknowledge) of history leads to future empowerment, hopefully of a governed people. The people want to know "how" and "why"!
Is America, the United States, an experiment of a "secret" society - a Masonic Order poised to usher in [a] New World Order? Or, is it all just 'hype'? One of the best ways to understand a society, a nation of people, is to examine its foundational 'roots'. When doing so, one must be brave and receptive enough to discover not only see the beauty, but inhale the funky onions, too.
When there's possibly and probably more to [a] story it is always wise to at least explore the issue and recognize whatever facts, good or bad, which may prove to be a great learning example for any civilized group of citizens.
Besides, who does not hold secrets? To guard them is to be limited of the knowing of one's behavior and philosophy as leaders and fellow citizens of a free nation.
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."-Albert Einstein
"President Obama talked about the benefits of U.S.-Latin America trade.
In addition, he announced a new initiative, the Small Business Network
of the Americas. The initiative is intended to promote job creation in
small-and medium-sized enterprises and encourage trade throughout the
Western Hemisphere." [source: C-Span Video].
responds to questions and topics ranging from "classwarfare" to the Bush tax cuts. "The Bush tax cuts don't work", Biden said. He also slams Mitt Romney's economic policy and the GOP's record in support of women voters. Biden challenges the opposition and general voting public to simply check the record of both political parties with regard to which group, republicans or democrats, has a credible history when it comes to women's rights.
And as can be expected, 'Big J.B.' pulls no punches when given the opportunity to remind voters who "caused this mess" (referring to Mitt Romney's argument that 92% of job loss are among women). In simple cool-and-calm fashion, Joe Biden, in so many words, drew a picture of hypocritical elephants, frankly.
"The republicans WAR on women is real and will intensify..."- VP, Joe Biden
There's a fundamental assumption that America's founding fathers were men of faith (followers of Christianity and believers in Jesus Christ, specifically). It's a reasonable assumption considering the official motto adopted in 1956 - "In God We Trust".
But what does the average 'Joe' or 'Jane' know about the spiritual or religious or philosophical beliefs of America's founders? And another question: Does the common citizen even care?
For those who either care or may be interested in exploring the subject, take a look at a video that dares to challenge perceptions about the hidden faith of America's grand architects:
"The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers by Adullam Films, written
& directed by Christian J. Pinto. The full presentation is 3 hours
long, and covers the beliefs of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and John Adams. The film also gives a
Biblical view of what these men believed, and how their philosophies are
acknowledged in Bible prophecy." Learn more at
This documentary confronts the little known beliefs of America's founders:
What did the founders believe about Jesus Christ? - Christianity begins with faith in the Person of Christ Himself: What did the founders think of Him? - What did they think of the Gospel? Were they fighting for Christianity, or against it? - Included in this DVD: the faith of Thomas Paine,
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, George Washington, and
much more
Sarah Palin - a 'ride or die' for you type of chick, as long as the money keeps rollin' her way!
In an open letter to the 'queen of political hustle', Conor Freidersdorf of The Atlantic, puts Sarah Palin on blast for how she's using campaign funds, from supporters with limited means, for personal and very questionable spending trends. Conor's letter to Alaskas's former governor, who quit the job in search of an ever fertile political playground laced with more campaign dollars to tempt small town Christian values, reads as follows (videos included in Freidersdorf's entire, original post at The Atlantic have been excluded):
Ms. Palin,
Your supporters trust you. For all their cynicism
about politics, they believe that you're different: a faithful Christian
with small town values and a commitment to doing right by regular
Americans. You've used that trust to ask homemakers, retirees and small
businessmen and women to send you their money. As the Web page of your
official political action committee puts it, SarahPAC is "dedicated to building America's future by supporting fresh ideas and candidates."
But that isn't how you've been spending the money.
you've given to candidates in the past. But you spent $418,000 in the
first 3 months on 2012, and none of it has gone to candidates! Nor has
it gone to "fresh ideas." In fact, as Kenneth Vogel points out,
it appears that you spent $19,000 on a video that argues an HBO film
about your role in the 2008 presidential campaign gets its facts wrong.
Is that correct? It's 2 minutes and 38 seconds long:...
Do you think that is worth $19,000? Or $1,000? Given that you have a
popular Facebook page, regular gigs on national television, and the
ability to summon multiple reporters to a press conference at any time,
why would you spend $19,000 saying to very few people what you could've
said free? Even if the short video is worth thousands to you, why do you
think it's appropriate to spend money raised on the promise that you'll
support fresh ideas and candidates on contesting events that a)
happened in 2008; b) have no bearing on this year's political races or
issues; c) mostly just affects your reputation; d) is unlikely to change
anyone's opinion of it?
Why should your donors bankroll this?
also spent $255,000 "on fundraising and a small team of political
consultants." And perhaps there's a reasonable explanation for the
$1,000 you spent at the Disneyland Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
What is it?
I recall, this isn't the first time you've produced a high budget video
to reflect well on yourself for no apparent reason...
Should people who give you money expect that you'll make more
videos about yourself that are totally unrelated to any campaign or
issue? Do you think the money of rank and file conservatives is well
spent building your personal brand? Why should anyone trust you as a
steward of their money again? Did you think you'd get away with this
just because the conservative media is curiously silent when popular
movement figures shamelessly fleece the rank and file?
For the sake of your supporters, please do not reply by video.
Conor Friedersdorf
No need to read between the lines in this address to Palin, Conor obviously pulls no punches and appears to back up his accusations. But the ever charismatic with a wink - Sarah Palin, when confronted with issues concerning and questioning her character flaws and overt brand of hustle, will surely take offense and figure out a new way to work the sheep.
At first Mitt Romney said to strong gun control laws voters, once upon a time, "I don't line up with the NRA." But in classic Romney [wizardry] 'flip-mode' style, he has agreed to tap dance and headline at the National Rifle Associations' annual meeting. No one should be surprised by this recent change of "heart" by Mitt; this is what has made him an accomplished business opportunist.
Unfortunately for the NRA, Romney won't be able to hide his true, less than "severely conservative" political nature - especially if or when he secures his parties reluctant nomination.
In order to gain support of independent voters, he won't be able to represent like the far right want him to. Besides, he's already in hot water with women voters, the majority of which strongly support gun control laws.
So Mitt will play along with the NRA to get as much of their collective dollars that he can possibly garner until he'll be forced to speak his centrist heart to the general voting public. In today's political landscape, pay means power. Who's surprised?
And who can be sure what [a] Romney administration would look like?
What is in the O.J. in Florida? Really though, people! The first major indication of political dysfunction in this southern state was the voting racket and supreme court endorsement of Bush's "win" over Al Gore. Next, Floridian's allow NRA lobbyists to write and sponsor vigilante-type laws like 'Stand Your Ground', which allow haters like George Zimmerman to kill a promising creation of God - Trayvon Martin.
And recently, the African American male featured in the photo with swastika flags in the backdrop, U.S. House of Representatives - Allen West, answered what he considered a good question regarding the so-called true political allegiance of house democrats; "I believe there is about 78 - 81 members of the Democrat Party that are members of the Communist Party. It's called the Congressional Progressive Caucus", West said to an audience of possibly brain-washed zombies or frequent sippers of that special O.J. at their tea party supported gatherings.
If Allen West has actual proof that such a number of house members on the left are in fact communists and followers of Marxism, then he should present his irrefutable legitimate evidence to the American public; he won't and he can't because, like far too many political figures, he's not concerned about what is "true" or "factual".
But as long as his rap, hustle and flow keeps ignorant folk(s) in fear and diggin' deep in their shallow pockets just to hear a pimp sing songs of hate and doom, Mr. West will eagerly keep playin' the political-gamers'-game, fuh show!
'Bishop Magic Don Juan' would be mighty impressed with 'A-Dubb's' colorful style and form of showmanship. And in the end, the right people get played, while pimpin' gets rich...what an interesting form of American southern righteousness..."church"!