Students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill began lining up, before the break of dawn, in anticipation of President Obama's speech on student loans.
If congress fails to act, by July 1st, student interest rates could double to 6.8%! Unlike Mitt Romney, who agrees with the president on the issue, Obama connected with students' concerns about the financial aspects of educational funding by describing he and wife, First Lady - Michele Obama's huge educational debt incurred after completing law school. "Michele and I, we've been in your shoes. When we married we got poor together", said the president. He also revealed that it wasn't until eight years ago that their SL payments were finally paid off. The president also told students that he and Michele's mortgage payment for their condo was less than [the] payments for student loans.
Highlighting his success about leading the charge to remove the middle man (banks) from receiving billions of dollars in subsidies from student loans, students applauded when he reminded them that [now] "money goes directly to students", making it (college tuition) more affordable.
By the time Obama finished his speech and headed toward the exit, students began applauding and chanting, "four more years!"
According to [the] polls, Obama still holds a solid lead over Romney with young voters. Why? Because young Americans overall don't feel that Romney can relate to their issues, especially considering he clearly seems to represent the interest of the 1% -- a class that would rather see their pockets inflated more than a majority of minds cultivated. During Romney's time as governor, college fees rocketed to 63%!
With numbers like that, Pres. Obama can continue to push the line on behalf of students across America...and rather creatively.
Jimmy Fallon and Barack Obama
"wanna slow jam the news!"
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